Families and businesses around North America are recognizing the benefits of solar pool heating, including:
- Extend swimming season up to 12 months depending on location
- Average pool temperatures rise 15-20º with solar pool heating
- No operating costs
- No pollution, no fuel needed
- Usually lasts 20+ years
- Comes with a 10 year warranty
- Quick and easy installation
- Minimal maintenance required
Request a solar pool heating evaluation, and we will connect you with an installer in your area to come take a look at your property. Together, you can determine if solar pool heating is the right fit for you.
Ready to take the next step?
Fill out the solar pool heating eval form at right »
Then what happens?
Step 1: You fill out the form.
Step 2: Solar installer will call you.
Step 3: Installer will visit your home or business and assess.
Step 4: Installer will deliver a proposal.
Step 5: Solar pool heating will be installed.
Cheers to you for supporting solar energy, cleaning the environment, and keeping your local solar installers working!